Found this quote from Beverley Knight, while I’m on the topic of Beverley Knight. I’ve often thought that I don’t understand people who don’t like music.
She’s talking about singing in front of the G8 leaders in 2006:
“Wow! Now, I’ve been in front of some pretty disparate audiences, but singing for the leaders of the free world was quite extraordinary. The only one who wasn’t there – and he was conspicuous by his absence – was Dubya.” She puts on a manly Texas accent: “Cause he don’t like music, apparently, he prefers sporrrrt.” And then back to her Wolverhampton voice: “Alright mate! I’m suspicious of people who don’t like music. How the hell does that work? Tell me you don’t like some kinds of music. Don’t tell me you don’t like music, because that’s kind of weird. Tony Blair and Cherie were there giving me the thumbs up, totally into it. Putin was there – now, when I say that man’s face didn’t crack, I mean, it was scary.”
Interview from the Guardian.