Book pile September 2019 - I

Book notes (September 2019)

Book piles accumulate in my office and on my night table all the time. Books are visual signposts of where my head is at, what’s next on the thinking agenda, of the big and small topics that make up the project that is Carsten’s head.

Grand Hotel Abyss

Four books January 2018

Starting this year, I will occasionally post lightly commented lists of books I’m currently reading. My tendency is to occupy myself with nonfiction, erring on the side of theory, anthropology, philosophy, politics. For those who got to know me (or … [read more]

Jennifer Johannesen - No Ordinary Boy (2011)

Read: Jennifer Johannesen, No Ordinary Boy

My partner Jennifer recently published her first book. It’s a slim volume of 145 pages called No Ordinary Boy: The Life and Death of Owen Turney. One could generically describe it as memoir or narrative non-fiction. No Ordinary Boy is the … [read more]

The Art of Community – free ebook download

Jono Bacon is the community manager for Ubuntu, the open source Linux operating system that’s finally starting to give Windows a run for its money when it comes to consumer-readiness. He’s recently published what appears to be an interesting, practical … [read more]

Karim Rashid Design Your Self

Read: Karim Rashid, Design Your Self

A review of Karim Rashid’s Design Your Self (2006) Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ’97: Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have … [read more]


For someone who thinks of himself as both musical and deeply interested in listening to all kinds of music, I had, previously, studiously avoided listening to jazz. While I had been taught about jazz in high school (Improvisation! Dissonances! Drugs! … [read more]

Hari Kunzru My Revolutions

Read: Hari Kunzru, My Revolutions

A few years ago, I read Kunzru’s Transmission and loved it. I thought it was switched on to what the world was becoming and elegantly highlighted how people from developing countries are traversing the boundaries of distance and economics by … [read more]