Ai Weiwei, Still from Human Flow

On Ai Weiwei’s Human Flow

Ai Weiwei’s Human Flow, at two and a half hours, is neither light entertainment nor what most would think of as a seasonal movie. It is currently in an extended run in two of Toronto’s theatres supporting more cerebral fare … [read more]

Facebook privacy & digital NIMBY

The more you ‘live life transparently,’ the more you post to your social networking life stream, the more ‘friends’ and acquaintances you pick up along the way, the more you invite trouble. Well — that may be stating it strongly. … [read more]

Richard Sennett in Utne Reader

Richard Sennett is a sociologist at New York University and the London School of Economics. In the January/February 2010 issue of Utne Reader, an interview with him is reprinted from American Craft. I found these passages particularly resonant: The most … [read more]

Peter Block about community

From my growing interest in community, conversation and how we can harness what we’re learning about online community behaviours in the real world came a renewed pointer to Peter Block (thanks to a post by Mark Kuznicki). I remembered that … [read more]

HealthCamp Toronto

Unplugging the system (HealthCamp Toronto)

It’s taken me more than a week to get around to synthesizing my impressions of the inaugural HealthCamp Toronto, which was held on September 15, 2009. HealthCamp is a participatory, roaming unconference. An unconference is a self-organizing community event, a … [read more]