Smartphones! by Vincent Diamante Creative Commons via Flickr

Corporate applications and content on smartphones

Barack Obama’s former BlackBerry, and the highly secure clunker it was allegedly replaced with, seem like an apt encapsulation of what enterprises are facing with the glut of new smartphones their users are connecting to corporate networks everywhere. As we … [read more]

Don Norman

Complexity and emotion in design

  I like some of Don Norman‘s (now slightly older) theses about complexity and emotion in design. In an online essay entitled Emotional Design: People and Things he writes, Products differ in their appeal on the three design dimensions, but … [read more]

Why Apple’s iPad will be very, very successful

Sometimes, the prevailing discourse on the Internet makes one want to despair. Blog post after blog post of the same drivel. It often feels as though the ‘blogosphere’ is a little like The Island, a 2005 movie where Ewan McGregor … [read more]

What makes a smartphone successful?

It’s been more than a month since I last blogged here. I took some well-deserved time off during December. Since last time, I’ve bought an Apple iPhone (more hipster stuff) and Google launched its Nexus One phone. Coincidentally, both happened … [read more]

Why I bought a Mac

Picture by Benjamin Nagel, via Wikimedia Commons Apparently, I’m a hipster now. According to my friend Bryce, who calls everyone a hipster who uses a Mac. Though I feel a certain kinship with PC in the “Get a Mac” commercials … [read more]

Thoughts about the Microsoft Courier

How about this thing? Courier is the project name for a future tablet-style device from Microsoft. The story was broken a few days ago by Gizmodo, one of the gadget blogs. Courier is not quite a tablet: it’s two tablets … [read more]