Motherboard by Tim Simpson Creative Commons via Flickr

The case for building my own computer

Men’s hobbies tend to fall into one of two broad categories. There are extroverted leisure time pursuits, often related to sports, gaming, grilling meat or drinking; and more introverted activities, often related to material things, such as woodworking, model building, … [read more]

UP by Jawbone (press photo)

Review: Jawbone UP

Three weeks ago, I bought a Jawbone UP. It’s a movement-tracking bracelet that can be plugged into your iPhone (or Android device) once or twice a day to transmit your activity to a mobile app. (You can also download your … [read more]

Upgrade icon by Oxygen Team (GNU license)

Why I’m not upgrading

“My name is Carsten, and I don’t like upgrading.”—”Hi Carsten!” I’ve become that guy. I never used to be that guy. You know, the guy who’s content with the technology he has because it’s working fine for him. The guy … [read more]

I, Gearhead (Part 2: Mobile and Music)

In Part 2 of this post, I discuss my mobile tech (smartphones, tablets and such) as well as my music reproduction hardware. Part 1 (Hardware and Software) is here. On the mobile front, I’m a happy iPhone 3GS user and … [read more]