Motherboard by Tim Simpson Creative Commons via Flickr

The case for building my own computer

Men’s hobbies tend to fall into one of two broad categories. There are extroverted leisure time pursuits, often related to sports, gaming, grilling meat or drinking; and more introverted activities, often related to material things, such as woodworking, model building, … [read more]

Upgrade icon by Oxygen Team (GNU license)

Why I’m not upgrading

“My name is Carsten, and I don’t like upgrading.”—”Hi Carsten!” I’ve become that guy. I never used to be that guy. You know, the guy who’s content with the technology he has because it’s working fine for him. The guy … [read more]

Smartphones! by Vincent Diamante Creative Commons via Flickr

Corporate applications and content on smartphones

Barack Obama’s former BlackBerry, and the highly secure clunker it was allegedly replaced with, seem like an apt encapsulation of what enterprises are facing with the glut of new smartphones their users are connecting to corporate networks everywhere. As we … [read more]

Why Apple’s iPad will be very, very successful

Sometimes, the prevailing discourse on the Internet makes one want to despair. Blog post after blog post of the same drivel. It often feels as though the ‘blogosphere’ is a little like The Island, a 2005 movie where Ewan McGregor … [read more]

BumpTop with multi-touch

Here’s a new video showing BumpTop using a multi-touch screen under Windows 7. The march towards ‘tactile computing’ continues. I remain unconvinced that this is really what people want to do, for the simple reason that holding your hand/arm extended … [read more]

Thoughts about the Microsoft Courier

How about this thing? Courier is the project name for a future tablet-style device from Microsoft. The story was broken a few days ago by Gizmodo, one of the gadget blogs. Courier is not quite a tablet: it’s two tablets … [read more]